Ninja Village Rebirth

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Ninja Village Rebirth

A Naruto/Boruto themed Role Play forum dedicate to having fun with your own custom character in this fan favorite expanded universe.

    Character Creation Template


    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2019-04-04
    Age : 30

    Character Creation Template Empty Character Creation Template

    Post by Amira Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:37 am

    Below you will find the template for character creation. At the bottom is the code to copy for when you're creating your own character. Please use this template and this one alone, we will not accept any alterations to the template.

    Basic Information
    Name: --Clan name first, Given name second (ex. Uchiha, Sasuke)--
    Age: --Your character's age.--
    Gender: --Male or Female--
    Rank: --Identify the shinobi rank of your character.--
    Village/Country: --Identify the hidden village and country your character was born in.--
    Elemental Affinity: --List your character's elemental affinities.--
    Specialty: --List your character's specialties here.--


    --A picture of your character and at least three paragraphs of physical description go here. If a picture of your character is unavailable then you'll have to be more descriptive of him / her. Keep in mind to mention things such as hair colour, eye colour, clothing styles and colours, descriptions of weapons, any scars or blemishes, etc.--


    --One of the most important parts of the profile, write as much as you can describing your character's personality here. Keep in mind to list things such as relationships with the opposite sex, how they react in fighting situations, how they learn, what they like, how they react to others, etc. Three paragraphs at least. --

    List strengths based on your character's rank. This may include psychological strengths, personality strengths, physical strengths, or anything of the like. --

    • --Strength1-- Describe the strength.

    List weaknesses based on your character's rank. This may include psychological weaknesses, personality weaknesses, physical weaknesses, or anything of the like.  

    • --Weakness1-- Describe the weakness.
    • --Weakness2-- Describe the weakness.
    • --Weakness3-- Describe the weakness.
    • --Weakness4-- Describe the weakness.
    • --Weakness5-- Describe the weakness.


    --List as much as is relevant in your character's history here. It is important to explain why anything like scars or specific personality traits developed in this section. Please include any lifechanging events or specific situations that may be important, but remember that this section does at least need to be proportionate. 3 paragraphs per rank (3 for Genin or Academy student), add an extra three per rank, or more if you see fit.


    • ItemNameHere: Description - Location
    • ItemNameHere: Description - Location
    • ItemNameHere: Description - Location

    --A list of the items your character carries. The item name should be followed by a brief description of the item (If it isn't obvious, list what it does and what it looks like in more detail. Special weapons are important to describe) and then where the item is located on your character's person (ex. butt pouch, waist, hidden jacket pocket, etc.) --


    [small][small]Academy Student(Optional): 3 D-Rank + 1 C-Rank = 4 Techniques
    Genin: 3 C-Rank + 1 B-Rank = 4 Techniques
    Chunin: 1 C-Rank + 2 B-Rank + 1 A-Rank = 4 Techniques
    Tok. Jounin(Optional): 1 B-Rank + 1 A-Rank = 2 Techniques
    Jounin/ANBU: 3 A-Rank + 1 S-Rank = 4 Techniques
    Elite Jounin/ANBU Captain(optional): 1 A-Rank + 1 S-Rank = 2 Techniques
    Legendary Ninja/Kage: 2 A-Rank + 2 S-Rank = 4 Techniques[/small][/small]


    1. --Name of technique.--
    Rank: D
    Range: --Self, Close Range, Mid Range, or Long Range. You may also include rough measurements--
    Description: --Describe in detail what your technique does and how it does it. Also include what the technique looks like.--

    2. --Name of technique.--
    Rank: D
    Range: --Self, Close Range, Mid Range, or Long Range. You may also include rough measurements--
    Description: --Describe in detail what your technique does and how it does it. Also include what the technique looks like.--

    3. --Name of technique.--
    Rank: D
    Range: --Self, Close Range, Mid Range, or Long Range. You may also include rough measurements--
    Description: --Describe in detail what your technique does and how it does it. Also include what the technique looks like.--

    4. --Name of technique.--
    Rank: C
    Range: --Self, Close Range, Mid Range, or Long Range. You may also include rough measurements.--
    Description: --Describe in detail what your technique does and how it does it. Also include what the technique looks like.--

    Additional Information

    Clan Link: --If you're using a custom clan with a special ability or Kekkai Genkai then you must provide a link to your pre-approved clan here.--

    --Any other additional information that you'd like to put about your character should be placed here. If you have any summons, the template for each should be put here.--

    Character Template Code:

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:28 pm