Ninja Village Rebirth

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Ninja Village Rebirth

A Naruto/Boruto themed Role Play forum dedicate to having fun with your own custom character in this fan favorite expanded universe.

    Clan Creation Template


    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2019-04-04
    Age : 29

    Clan Creation Template Empty Clan Creation Template

    Post by Amira Mon May 06, 2019 8:55 pm

    If you're interested in creating a custom clan on our site here is the template you will need to follow. Below you will also find the code you can copy to get started.

    Clan Name: --The name of your clan. This will function as a surname for all members of this clan. (Ex. Uchiha Clan)--
    Village of Occupancy: --The village that your clan resides in. In some cases, a clan may be spread out over a few, or even all villages.--
    Clan Leader: --The acting leader of your clan. This can be a current character or an NPC.--
    Ability/Hidden Technique: --The name of the Kekkai Genkai or hidden technique that your clan possesses.--

    Clan Functions & Description: --Here you will provide, at least, three to four paragraphs of how your clan functions within its shinobi village, what your clan is like, and perhaps provide a history concerning your clan. You may include such things as a clan heiarchy (ex. Hyuuga branch and main house), a description of the clan compound, any specific talents, etc. --

    Kekkai Genkai/Hidden Technique Description: --Here you will describe the Kekkai Genkai / hidden technique of your clan. Be sure to provide many details. Include such things as the appearance of the ability or technique, how it effects the user and the target, any stages it may have, when it develops or when a character gains the ability to use it, how much chakra it takes to use, the range, etc.--


    Additional Hidden Techniques / Supporting Techniques: --Here you will provide any additional hidden techniques of your clan and supporting techniques for your clan's abilities. For instance, the Nara clan has several different shadow jutsu based around the Kage Mane. The Uchiha clan has basic fire jutsu to support their Sharingan. If none, list "N/A"--
    1. --Name of technique.--
    Rank: --E, D, C, B, A, S. List the rank, based on the level of power, that this technique falls under--
    Distance: --Self, Close Range, Mid Range, or Long Range. You may also include measurements.--
    Description: --Describe in detail what your technique does and how it does it. Also include what the technique looks like.--

    Clan Template:

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